FANM organizes year-round to create a movement that shifts the balance of power, changes policies, and creates a more balanced equitable society where every voice is lifted and every life is valued. We educate, organize, and mobilize grassroots citizens from the bottom up and we give them the tools to contribute to their own transformation and liberation.
FANM has been fighting for immigrant justice since its foundation. FANM organized to persuade President Clinton to approve Deferred Enforced Departure to protect Haitians and led the fight for the passing of the Haitian Refugee Immigration Fairness Act. FANM's Executive Director has testified at the United Nations, the US Congress, and the OAS Human Rights Committee. FANM organizes to protect thousands of TPS recipients from deportation, advocates for climate change initiatives, fought in favor of resident rights, challenges predatory development, sends canvassers to register voters, and led fact finding missions to the Bahamas, the Dominican Republic, Haiti, Jamaica, Mexico, The Philippines, Switzerland, and Venezuela.