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Marleine Bastien Named as one of the Influencers in the Miami Herald

Rhenie Dalger

Family Action Network Movement (FANM) congratulates its Executive Director Marleine Bastien on being named as one of the influencers in the Miami Herald's Florida Influencer Series.

“I’m so humble by Miami Herald's decision to include me in this esteemed group of community leaders/ stakeholders. I’m looking forward to collaborating and amplifying the voices of Florida residents on climate change, affordable housing, pay equity, gender equity and comprehensive immigration reform for all. Our nation is at a crossroad, and it will take all of us together to uphold the principles upon which this nation was built on: fairness, equality/equity and justice for all,”said Marleine Bastien.

FANM's mission is to empower low to moderate income families socially, financially, and politically and to give them the tools to transform their communities.

For more information contact Rhenie at 305-756-8050 or email

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