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TPS Families March on Feb 12th Calling on Congress to Enact Permanent Protections

Writer's picture: Rhenie DalgerRhenie Dalger


WHEN: TOMORROW, February 12th

WHERE: 9:30am EST Rally Outside of White House (Lafayette Park)

March to Capitol Steps

1:00pm EST Rally & Press Conference Outside Capitol (Section 10, front of house side of Capitol bldg)

All Day Press Event: TPS Families March on Feb 12th Calling on Congress to Enact Permanent Protections

Washington, DC – The National TPS Alliance announces plans for a major mobilization in Washington, DC tomorrow, February 12th to demand justice and a permanent solution for Temporary Protected Status (TPS) holders from all 13 countries. TPS families representing all thirteen countries designated with “TPS” will converge in Washington, DC to send a message to President Trump and the new Congress.

Jose Palma, TPS Holder from El Salvador and Spokesperson with the National TPS Alliance: “The TPS Alliance stands with all TPS holders and are fighting for a permanent solution for our families. Anything less than a permanent solution is a slap-in-the face to the decades we have given to this country, contributed and to the lives we have built” he concluded.


The National TPS Alliance,

TPS Holders from across the country

CARECEN-Los Angeles


Working Families United

Labor Unions


WHAT: Rally outside the White House, March to Capitol Steps w/ visuals and public testimonies, Rally/Press Conference with Legislators at US Capitol building.

WHERE: Two Locations:

9:30 am Rally Outside of White House.

1:00 pm Rally/Press Conference Outside Capitol Steps (section 10, front of house side of Capitol bldg)

WHEN: Tuesday, February 12th, 2019

In 2018 the National TPS Alliance endorsed the American Promise Act authored by Rep. Nydia Velazquez (D-NY), as well as S. 2144 the “SECURE Act” introduced by Senator Christopher Van Hollen (MD) and 9 other Senators- the only TPS legislation that ensures individuals from all 13 countries issued TPS are protected and provides a pathway to permanent residency.



 Family Action Network Movement (FANM) 

100 NE 84th Street, Miami, FL 33138 

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