Photo Source: WPLG Local 10 News
MIAMI, FL - On Tuesday, August 24, 2021 at 3 PM a group of 42 Haitian refugees were detained after arriving ashore at Key Biscayne’s Crandon Park. Border Patrol took into custody the group of Haitian men, women and children which arrived in Miami by boat. The arrival of these refugees does not come as a surprise, given the ongoing turmoil in Haiti, especially after the earthquake on August 14, 2021. FANM, alongside elected officials, community and faith leaders, is urging the Biden Administration to release all 42 of the refugees including women and children to be released to their families and be afforded the basic rights to due process.
Marleine Bastien, Executive Director of Family Action Network Movement said, “We know that our fellow brothers and sisters who arrived on Tuesday afternoon mustered great courage to leave everything behind and embark on a treacherous journey for survival. Haitians have suffered great trauma and loss, those who risk their lives to come to the U.S. deserve an opportunity to be heard in court, in a non-detained setting.”
Alix Desulme, North Miami Vice Mayor and President of the National Haitian-American Elected Officials Network said, “Haitian nationals are fleeing the island because their lives are in imminent danger. Among the group were women and children and we must protect them. Because of the conditions in Haiti we simply can not send them back. We stand ready to fight for them.”
FANM’s Board Chair, State Representative Marie Paule Woodson added, “It is unacceptable to send these bona fide refugees, including women and children to a nation in turmoil. I join my voice with those of NAHEON members to ask the Biden Administration to free all 42 bona fide refugees in their own recognizance.”
Ira Kurzban, Kurzban, Kurzban, Tetzeli and Pratt, P.A. Attorney at Law, said “Given the current conditions in Haiti the 42 refugees must be released immediately. They pose no threat to the U.S, come to the U.S. to escape the chaotic situation in their country and we as a welcoming nation should not put them in immigration prisons.”
President Biden promised to bring equity and justice to his administration. It is time for him to show it. Free all Haitian refugees now!
Family Action Network Movement (FANM) is a private not-for-profit organization dedicated to the social, economic, financial and political empowerment of low to moderate-income families.
Contact Information: info@fanm.org, 305-756-8050