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Writer's pictureRhenie Dalger


FANM Applauds The Supreme Court's Ruling on Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (DACA) June 18, 2020 Contact: Victoria Villamil Email: Phone: 786-383-7595 MIAMI, FL - The Supreme Court announced a 5-4 ruling on June 18, 2020, in favor of the Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (DACA) program, ruling against the Trump administration’s decision. This ruling safeguards around 800,000 immigrants known as Dreamers from being deported.  Marleine Bastien, Executive Director of Family Action Network Movement (FANM) issued the following statement, “This is exciting news! At this time of national anguish, the Supreme Court's ruling on DACA is a reminder that change is possible when advocacy organizations and allies come together and fight hard. This decision will hopefully help trailblaze a path to permanent residency for the thousands of hardworking and taxpaying DACA recipients. DACA recipients have lived in the United States since they were children and are Americans in every way that matters. They have the right to live and work in the country they call home.” Family Action Network Movement (FANM) formerly known as Fanm Ayisyen Nan Miyami, Inc)/ Haitian Women of Miami is a private not-for-profit organization dedicated to the social, economic, financial and political empowerment of low to moderate-income families. ### CREOLE FANM Aplodi desizyonTribinal Siprèm lan sou ‘DACA’ Miyami, Florid - Tribinal Siprèm lan te anonse yon desizyon 5-4 nan dat 18 jen 2020, an favè DACA, sou desizyon administrasyon Trump la. Desizyon sa a pwoteje anviron 800,000 imigran ke yo rekonèt kòm Dreamers pou yo te depòte. Marleine Bastien, Direktè Egzekitif pou FANM bay deklarasyon sa a, "Sa a se yon gwo nouvèl!" Nan moman kè sere nasyonal saa, desizyon Tribinal Siprèm lan sou DACA fe yon rapèl ke chanjman yo posib lè òganizasyon pou defans ak alye mete ansanm pou yo goumen tout bon. Desizyon sa a pral ede fe chemen pou rezidans pèmanan pou dè milye travayè ak kontribite nan moun ki resevwa DACA yo. Moun ki resevwa DACA yo ap viv nan Etazini depi yo te timoun epi yo se Ameriken nan tout sans. Yo gen dwa pou yo viv ak travay nan peyi yo rele lakay yo. " FANM Ke yo te konnen anvan sou non (Fanm Ayisyen Nan Miyami Inc.) se yon òganizasyon prive ki pa pou fè pwofi, ki dedye pou responsablite sosyal, ekonomik, finansye ak politik fanmi ki gen revni ba ak revi ki pasab. ### Spanish FANM aplaude la decisión de la Corte Suprema sobre Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (DACA) MIAMI, FL - La Corte Suprema anunció el fallo 5-4 el 18 de junio de 2020, a favor del programa Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (DACA), fallando en contra de la decisión de la administración Trump. Esta decisión protege a unos 800,000 inmigrantes conocidos como Dreamers respecto a la deportación.

Al respecto, Marleine Bastien, Directora Ejecutiva de Family Action Network Movement (FANM) emitió la siguiente declaración: “¡Que buena noticia! En este momento de angustia nacional, esta decisión de la Corte Suprema nos recuerda que el cambio es posible cuando organizaciones y aliados se unen y luchan. Esperamos que esta decisión ayude a abrir un camino hacia la residencia permanente para los miles de trabajadores y beneficiarios de DACA que pagan impuestos. Los beneficiarios de DACA han vivido en los Estados Unidos desde que eran niños y son estadounidenses para lo que de realmente importa. Tienen derecho a vivir y trabajar en el país al que conocen como su casa." Family Action Network Movement (FANM) anteriormente conocido como Fanm Ayisyen Nan Miyami, Inc) / Haitian Women of Miami es una organización privada sin ánimo de lucro dedicada al empoderamiento social, económico, financiero y político de familias de ingresos bajos a moderados. ###


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